CERTIFIED CREDENTIAL (This credential is in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee and is for local church ministry only. Ministerial Certification will require an application, interview, and recommendation from the Tennessee District Board for approval. This is a TNPCG credential which is independent of the PCG General Headquarters in Bedford, TX)

How to Become a Pentecostal Church of God Minister
with the Tennessee District Pentecostal Church of God
To receive ministerial certification with the Tennessee District of the Pentecostal Church of God, the following three-step process must be completed.
STEP #1: APPLICATION Complete an application with the appropriate supplemental forms and send it to the Tennessee District Office. The application differs depending on your circumstances. Applicants must complete the Application for Minister's Credentials.
Application for Ministerial Credentials (Note: “Credentials for which you are now applying,” write “Certified” on application)
Background Investigation Consent Form with $25.00-$40.00 (This fee will cover background check & 1st month credential fee)
STEP #2: INTERVIEW All applications must be reviewed, signed, and delivered to the Tennessee District Office, and upon the completion of the application process, a date for an interview will be established with the Tennessee District Board. Upon their recommendation, you will receive your Ministerial Certification with the Tennessee District of the Pentecostal Church of God.
STEP #3: MINISTRY You may now serve as a minister of the local church in the Tennessee District of the Pentecostal Church of God. If eligible, you may begin the process towards promotion to Exhorter Minister with the Pentecostal Church of God. If not eligible for promotion, or if not called to promotion, you may continue to serve as a Certified Minister indefinitely.
To receive Exhorter, License, or Ordained minister's credentials with the Pentecostal Church of God, the following three-step process must be completed.
Note: If one has completed equivalent studies this requirement may be waived.
The PCG Minister's Credentials are provided in three levels--Exhorter, License, and Ordination. Below are the requirements for the Minister's Study Series in each level, which must be completed before application may be made for that specific level. All Tennessee District applicants will start at the Certified Credential level unless otherwise specified by the Tennessee District Board.
EXHORTER CREDENTIAL (This is the initial step in the PCG credentialing process, must complete Exhorter Online Study Series or Exhorter Traditional Study Series)
LICENSED CREDENTIAL (This is the next step in the PCG credentialing process, must be an Exhorter Minister for a minimum of 1 year, must complete Licensed Online Study Series or Licensed Traditional Study Series)
ORDINATION CREDENTIAL (This is the final step in the PCG credentialing process, must be a Licensed Minister for a minimum of 2 years, must complete Ordained Online Study Series or Ordained Traditional Study Series, must have read the entire Bible, and must be active in full-time ministry)
All materials may be ordered from: PCG Ministry Resource Center, P.O. Box 211866, Bedford, TX 76095, 1.817.554-5900.
(Extension 333 or 337) or https://www.pcg.org/about/credentials
Complete an application with the appropriate supplemental forms and send it to the Tennessee District Office. The application differs depending on your circumstances. New applicants must complete the Application for Minister's Credentials. Previous applicants must complete the Application for Reinstatement. Current Applicants desiring promotion must complete the Application for Promotion
Complete the correct Application Forms
(Application for Ministerial Credentials) or (Application for Reinstatement) or (Application for Promotion)
Minister Study Series Educational Equivalency Form
Supplemental Forms
Background Investigation Consent Form
Bankruptcy Questionnaire
Felony Questionnaire
Marriage Questionnaire (for each divorce from the applicant and/or spouse)
Change in Marital Status Form (if applicable)
Family Reference Form
Friend Reference Form
Reference letter from the pastor who signed the application
Recommendation letter from an organization that previously granted credentials (if applicable)
Supplemental forms are not required if applying for promotion to License or Ordained. All applications must be reviewed, signed, and delivered to the Tennessee District Office, and upon the completion of the application process, a date for an interview will be established with the district leadership. Upon their recommendation, your application will be forwarded to the overseeing leadership of the Pentecostal Church of God for final approval.
Credential Fee- $90.00 for the first three months of credentials (This fee is due only when making application for 1st time Exhorter Credentials or when making application for Reinstatement to Exhorter, License, or Ordained.)
Background Check Fee- $25.00 (This fee may be waived if an earlier background check has been performed within an acceptable time frame, and is not necessary when a minister with active credentials is applying for Promotion)
These processing fees are required to begin the credentialing process. If for some reason the application is denied, $60.00 will be refunded to the applicant and $55.00 will be retained by the Pentecostal Church of God for a processing fee.
For any further questions concerning the application process please contact the Tennessee District Office. office@tnpcg.org